Inspiring the digital transformation
The term ‘digital transformation’ has been thrown around a lot in recent years but what does this actually mean for your business?
It can mean anything from developing a social media strategy, creating a mobile responsive website or creating more interesting content for your customers. It doesn’t have to be ‘all or nothing’.
A transformation requires an internal culture change and input from the entire business. This needs to be done in stages. Typically, like a business needs a plan, they also need a marketing plan.
Your first reaction may be to jump on the ‘we need a new website’ bandwagon. However, this may not be needed. Is your current website optimised to be performing at its best? Content is king and creating an efficient digital strategy should be the initial focus when connecting with your customers.
It’s important to put your customers first and your brand should convey that message. For a long-term change in the way you communicate with your customers, a business wide buy-in is essential.
A project has an end date and changing internal behaviours to create and share content shouldn’t. If you internally communicate the importance of what you’re doing and why it can be the difference between success and going back to the old ways. You need everyone in the business to be sharing and talking about the great content you’re producing.
So, to summarise, the small change you can make today is to start developing a content plan and inspire the business to start writing content!
Your customers want to be communicating with you so why not give them an extra platform to do so?